Monday, October 17, 2011

Cantorei Choir Tour 2011

I spent this fall break with Cantorei Choir, touring the midwest (Missouri, Kansas, and Nebraska).  As there was a lot of bus time, I took the time to read Perfect Cities, and I came across this quote:

"The tourist of this era, then, was a person who intentionally placed himself or herself in a strange situation, for pleasure and for instruction"(James Gilbert 22)

I am a tourist!  Of the midwest, on a choir tour.'s my experience on this trip in terms of this quote.

1. "...placed herself in a strange situation":  I placed myself in a strange situation, that's for sure!  I got on a bus with 85 other people of whom I probably knew 15 at MOST; went to 3 states (drove through 4 if we we count Iowa!) that really don't have too much to offer except for the churches we are singing at and lots lots LOTS of cows; and I stayed with host families each night.  So I basically got on a bus to spend 4.5 days with people I didn't really know.  Strange?  I thought it would be.
But, as per St. Olaf habit, it was SO MUCH FUN.

2. "for pleasure":  I wasn't really going on tour for 'pleasure' persay.  I was going because I was required to as a member of the choir.  But, it turned out to be for 'pleasure' by the end -- I enjoyed the people and the music so so much.

3.  "and for instruction":  It is true that I learned a lot on this trip.  I learned more about singing and music.  I learned more about people.  I learned information about the different states we went to.  I learned what it feels like to be in a car that runs over an animal (and how emotionally traumatic it is).  I learned how to stay with people I knew nothing about.

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